About me
Marika Sorimachi
New York Based Architectural & Interior Designer, International Marriage Adviser
Marika Sorimachi is a skilled designer with 12 years of experience in a variety of interior project types, including workplace, hospitality, and high-end residential. She brings a wide range of skills to the table, including testfits, design development, space planning, client presentations, furnishing and finishes specifications and interior construction administration. Marika also loves to explore and develop communication and branding methods for her clients by proposing graphics and illustration.
Prior to her New York career at Gensler, VOA/Stantec Architecture and TPG Architecture, Marika graduated from Master of Interior Design with an Excellence in Academic Achievement at Pratt Institute. She also holds Bachelor of Architecture from Hosei University in Tokyo and trained herself in offices in London and Tokyo.
Marika's passion is to guide people by sharing her abundant personal life strategies including her Konkatsu(婚活) through what she calls her own marriage activity which led her to marry her husband and give birth to a precious daughter.
反町 真理香
群馬県高崎市出身。法政大学建築学科卒業後、一年間ロンドンのスペースプランニング社にて勤務。帰国後、東京のインテリア商社勤務の傍ら2級建築士取得。インテリア市場と向き合う中、キャリアアップために新しい視点を求め始める。2011年NYのPratt Institute大学院へ留学、2014年インテリアデザイン修士号取得、学業優秀生。米系インテリアデザイン会社で5年間インテリアデザイナーとして勤務後、退職、自身の会社に専念。法政大学ニューヨーク校友会現会長。趣味は社交ダンス、合唱。2015年に結婚、現在一児の母。自身の国際婚活を周囲から評価され、それ以来情熱をもって婚活者をサポートし続けている。